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US Army: The Chinese missile will return out of control

US Army: The Chinese missile will return out of control

US Army: The Chinese missile will return out of control

 US military said the remnants of a large Chinese missile launched last week is expected to enter the atmosphere again this weekend in an uncontrollable return that will be tracked by the US Space Command.

A Long March 5B missile blasted off the Chinese island of Hainan on April 29, carrying the Tianhe craft, which contains what will become the living quarters of three people in a permanent Chinese space station. The launch vehicle was the first of 11 missions required to complete the station.

The space command said in a statement posted on the Internet that the exact entry point of the missile into the Earth's atmosphere while returning from space "can only be determined within hours of its return," which is expected to occur on May 8th.

Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at Harvard University, said potentially dangerous debris could escape combustion after it penetrates the atmosphere at supersonic speeds, but is more likely to fall into the sea, given that water covers 70 percent. From the globe.
